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Quest:The Value of Vermin

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The Value of Vermin
Level 43
Type Solo
Starts with Othran
Starts at Tyrn Lhuig
Start Region Angmar
Map Ref [1.8S, 33.3W]
Quest Group Angmar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'There are many strange beasts in this swamp. Vile creatures abound in this place -- perhaps the evil air fosters their growth -- but even the vilest of vermin has its use.

'Swamp-fly wings are light, flexible, and tough and can be used for many crafting tasks. Swamp-lurkers are creatures of a truly strange nature, but for all their odd appearance, their legs make a tasty meal when roasted.

'Hunt these verminous beasts, and I will pay well for these trophies. You can find these creatures scattered throughout this part of the swamp.'


Malenhad, the vile brimstone swamp of Angmar, is rife with vile and disgusting creatures, but even the strangest of these creatures has its uses to the Hillmen of Angmar.

Objective 1

Swamp-lurkers and swamp-flies can be found throughout the swamp near the hunters' camp.

Othran has asked you to collect Swamp-lurker legs and swamp-fly wings, which his people use to their benefit.

Orthan: 'Can you not find enough of the vermin?'

Objective 2

  • Bring the trophies to Othran
Orthan: 'Good, good. In Malenhad, we must make use of any beast we find.'